We made it to 30 weeks! Hooray! I've said all along that 30 weeks was my goal because it gave the babies the best chance of survival and a healthy life. From here on out, every day is a bonus. We are so thankful. In honor of 30 weeks, I thought it was time to extend some thank yous to some of the people who have helped us get to where we are today.
- Mama and Papa Bolton: For those of you who have met my mother, you know she is one of the most caring, nurturing women on the planet. She's been out to Arizona three times to visit us (and this lady hates to fly). Every time she comes, she makes us delicious home cooked meals (homemade spaghetti, steaks, brownie trifle..is your mouth watering yet?). Mama cleans our apartment top to bottom, does grocery runs, and everything in between. She's been such a source of support and joy for me. Daddy Bolton has given so much of his time and talent to us. He's added a closet to the nursery, added medicine cabinets to the bathroom and much more. As you can tell, my parents are rock stars. Seriously.
- Mom and Dad Baudinet: These folks are the taskmasters. They have been so generous with their time in helping set up the nursery, clean our Virginia home, and anything in between. I know they are going to be such fantastic grandparents.
- Aunt Margie: Aunt Margie is Michael's mother's sister. She lives here in the Scottsdale/Phoenix area. Aunt Margie and her family have been such a support system for us. They bring dinner, visit me on lonely days, and just keep us company in general. We've been so lucky to have family in this area.
- Carla: Carla is such a good friend to me. We've been in the Junior League together for several years, but our friendship goes so much further. Carla has been my "sister" for years
- Claire: This woman is such a safety net for me. She checks my mail for me. Takes care of our Virginia home and much more. She helped tremendously in the set up of the nursery. I can't imagine getting through this without her (AND her husband Pete).